Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Let's Make Things Happen

so good today! though still feeling dizzy, I cannot stay in room because of such a beautiful day!

before heading to home, I do spend so much money to buy lovely gifts to my friends, I am sure that they will love it! After really an article related people who are suffering, I am walking on the beach, soaking my soles into the cold sea water...(my mum will kill me if she knew that I still go when I am sick haha....she will take care of me when I am you mum!)..and digesting what the article delivered....

how your life is...happy? sad? colorful? plain? stable? not stable? with friends? with laughters? or lonely? let try in this way...(I am trying too), according to my yoga study, the meaning of your life is the most top related to your happiness of your life. What kind of life do you think is meaningful? to me, simple, natural and I can work in the way I want to, with friends, family and laughters all the time! It will be meaningful if I can work for life and at the same time, what I am doing is good for the universe (communities), at least I don't harm the universe. let try to think about it, if you have clear mind about what is the meaning of your life, you will feel you are stupid to stay in the way you don't enjoy and like, when you are living in the way you don't enjoy or love, how you become happy? some people will feel happy when they can earn lots of money; some people are happy because they have happy family only...they do even have bread only for 3 meals per day...when we know how we will be happy and living towards the way making us bounderies will make you step back because you really want to have your happy life! if you always step back, let review your meaning of life again, that may not be really the life you really want to have, otherwise, you will not step back so easily, complicated but it's is happening on me....haha....coming over the boundaries are what I am working hard on....

I do make my work change into teaching yoga and taking part in charity...I know that I don't make much money, but I am sure that I will be happier than working for something I don't know the reason why I need to work for! the boundaries I am facing now is...earn money, save money and keep going on my journey.... haha....half year in summer time of Australia (teaching and working) and half year in the summer time of Hong Kong (my mum will kill me....if she knows) anyway, this is the perfect plan, but if no Australia, I still be happy to stay in Hong Kong if I am living in the way I want...teaching, charity, taking part into the communities, be with my all lovely friends and exciting....when the day comes, I think I will not know what is about ''sad'' in my!!!

1) reading about sharing from others, you will be inspired unexpectedly, everyone has different stories everyday, why not have a look and it's a good daily lesson!
2) think about meaning of your life, we are living for ourselves not others (usually the are your bosses, haha.....)
3) working out the life you want, you will become happier, that's your meaning of life
4) make things you want to happen, it means make your life in your meaningful way!!!

P.S Stick on your right track, let's make things happen! For whose meaninglessly make hard time for you, just let them get away from your life, don't be ego and your are gorgeous, be beautiful mate!!

Gigi @ Vntage Espresso, a lovely homed cafe nearby Ocean Blue

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